Please spread the word!
For the whole world to feel safe again, three necessary steps must be taken:
1) Obligatory nuclear disarmament of russia;
2) Obligatory total demilitarization of russia;
3) The sanctions must NEVER BE LIFTED from russia, they need to be lifted only from the regions that exit russia to be free independent states, in order to encourage all the nations of those occupied lands to claim freedom.
The whole world must understand: this is NOT PUTIN’S WAR against Ukraine and Ukrainians, this is RUSSIAN WAR. Putin didn’t come from Mars or some galaxy far far away, he was born and raised in russia, he is an ordinary russian, and his aggression and intentions towards Ukraine and Ukrainians are vastly supported in russian society. This is the truth! I lived there, I know exactly what it means to be a Ukrainan in russia and what their attitude is. It’s like being a Jew in the Nazi Germany. Historically, they call themselves proudly “the Great Russians” (великоросы), and Ukrainians “the small Russians” (малоросы), enough said.
Putin does what russian people want him to do, he just meets their public demand. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be their national leader with full carte blanche for 22 years. He meets russian public demand with this war against Ukraine. Please have no illusions about it, the world was illusioned for too long, and now we see the result.
There are 145 million people in russia. How many people protest against the war? Few thousand in each large city, at the most. The truth is, RUSSIANS really vastly SUPPORT THIS WAR. I spoke with a lot of them, I know. Average russians want the whole world to fear them, and they’re proud that the whole world does, and they’re mad that Ukrainians don’t.
Please realize that russia is a threat to the whole world (and primarily to its neighbors), and always was in all of its historical periods and incarnations: starting from the Golden Horde, then Moscovia, then Russian Empire, the USSR, and its current iteration, the Russian Federation. Learn their history (how many times they attacked other countries to occupy their territory and enslave their population), and you’ll see: russia always was and always will be the EVIL EMPIRE, as Ronald Reagan rightfully said.
Average russians don’t want Ukraine and Ukrainians to exist. They repeat and repeat and repeat again the mantra that Ukrainians are some kind of “wrong russians” and Ukrainian language is “a silly southern dialect of russian”, and that Ukraine is a failed state, and its territory has to be returned and reintegrated into russia. This is what they want. They want territory. Russia didn’t become the biggest country in the world for no reason, the reason is that GAINING MORE TERRITORY is their national OBSESSION.
90%+ of russian territory consists of other nations’ occupied lands. Their natives have been oppressed for centuries. That injustice must end ASAP. During its whole history, russian only wish and national idea was to grow, grow, grow, occupying one nation after another. If Earth is an organism, what does russia resemble? CANCER! A tumor only wants to grow, grow, grow, occupy one organ after another. RUSSIA IS A DEADLY TUMOR, and it should be totally cancelled for the world to survive and get well.
Putin said russia's border "doesn't end anywhere". He wants to conquer and enslave the whole world, that’s what russians want, that’s what the USSR wanted, that’s what the Russian Empire, Moscovia and the Golden Horde wanted!
Russia never was and will never be a part of civilized world, they just don’t want it. They are proud of their mania of greatness, the ideas of “russian supremacy” and “the special way” (особый путь) which is a euphemism of tyranny. They want to be ruled by a tyrant. Their most popular political leaders were all tyrants, the most prominent of them is Stalin. Stalin killed the most russians in history, and yet he is still the most loved political leader among them. This is how russian mentality works: they love tyrants! Always did and always will.
They won’t change, please don’t expect them to change, they just won’t. Face it!
I’m not saying each one of them is like that, not at all. But VAST MAJORITY surely is, either they show it or not. And this is THEIR war against Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Yes, as Sting sang, russians love their children too. But they appear to love their tzar more, and hate Ukrainians and Americans more.
You are welcome to watch their state propaganda, performed by Vladimir Solovyov, Dmitry Kiselyov, Olga Skabeeva, Margarita Simonyan with Tigran Keosayan, and other freaks. Hopefully there are a lot of translated or subtitled videos. Especially listen what they say there about Ukraine and America. You have to see it to believe it.
Why do russians believe that propaganda at all? Because it resonates perfectly with their national character and their natural way of thinking, that’s why. If that propaganda was unnatural to them, they wouldn’t buy it. The idea of russian supremacy and hatred towards all the civilized world is at the core of their national mentality.
They are not victims of Putin’s propaganda. The Nazi-like supremacist state propaganda has been dominant over their minds at least since 1721, when Peter I rebranded, restyled and renamed unattractively savage Moscovia into the Russian Empire to try and make it a part of the civilized world. Russia adopted European style, but not any of the European values whatsoever.
Dictatorship and tyranny is their tradition, it’s the backbone of their state. Their biggest value is their state, and the head of the state is traditionally their idol, the more tyrannic he is the more they idolize him. Cult of their leader’s personality is an intergal part of their mentality. It won’t ever go away.
Human life was never a value in russia throughout its history. They were the only nation in the world to enslave themselves. If they don’t value their own lives in any quantities, do you think they would ever spare other nations’ lives?
Look how they shell Ukrainian cities. No less than 500 000 of Kharkiv’s population are russians actually (they settled there to replace the original Ukrainian population of Kharkiv killed in three Holodomors). It’s not Putin shelling them, it’s russians. This is who they are! Please have no illusions. It’s not Putin who promises to cease fire for humanitarian corridors, and then breaks the promise to shoot civilians, it’s russians.
Look what they do and see who they are. And never forget!
Please have no illusions about them, the world was illusioned for way too long, and now we all pay the bitter price.
It’s not Putin who pulls the triggers, it’s russians. Belorussians refused to go to war against Ukrainians, although their dictator Lukashenko is even more repressive than Putin. They just don’t want to kill Ukrainians. But russians do want, they are eager and glad to go kill Ukrainians, and that’s not a result of propaganda, that’s their own desire.
Warriors aside, every russian is a taxpayer, and their taxes finance not only this war, but other wars russia ever was involved in. It’s the whole nation’s responsibility, so the whole nation must deal with consequences. NEVER LIFT SANCTIONS FROM RUSSIA!
Why the USSR was an ally of Hitler in the WWII from September 1st 1939 until June 22nd 1941? Because their political systems were strikingly similar, and Putin’s system resembles them both. It is exactly what George Orwell wrote about, the exact same system.
I need to emphasize again:
- russia never was and never will be a part of civilized world, russians just don’t want it;
- russia always was and always will be aggressive;
- territorial gain is their eternal obsession throughout their history;
- for the world to be a better place, RUSSIA MUST FALL and never rise again.
Most importantly: this is NOT PUTIN’S WAR, this is RUSSIAN WAR. Putin only gave few key orders, all of the war crimes were done by russians who pulled the triggers. If they didn’t want to do it, they wouldn’t obey criminal orders. The truth is, THEY ARE WILLING TO DO IT. They lie saying otherwise.
The world must WAKE UP! Better late than never.
Since russians threat the whole world with nuclear weapon, this is the matter of mankind’s survival, no less!
For the whole world to feel safe again, three necessary steps must be taken:
1) Obligatory nuclear disarmament of russia.
They are the first nuclear terrorist country (North Korea isn’t that serious comparing to russia). The world is in PERMANENT DANGER as long as those savages have their nukes.
2) Obligatory total demilitarization of russia.
They will never be peaceful. During many centuries of their history, they were always aggressive; why would we expect them suddenly not to be? Only if they have no army and no weapons whatsoever. That’s the only way to neutralize russia.
3) The sanctions must NEVER BE LIFTED from russia.
Doing ANY business with them means financing russian war effort, current or next. Also, as we see, they don’t like to fulfil their contractual obligations, and the 1994 Budapest memorandum is just one example of many. As Otto von Bismarck said, "The agreements signed by Russia aren't worth the price of the sheet of paper they are written on". Why do any business with them? Russian market is not that lucrative anyway.
The sanctions need to be lifted ONLY from the regions that EXIT RUSSIA TO BE FREE independent states, in order to encourage all the nations of those occupied lands to claim their freedom.
Can there be any redemption for russians? Yes. Besides war reparations, unanimous acknowledgement of guilt, rebuilding all the damaged cities, the most important part of their redemption is to let go all the nations oppressed and all the territories occupied by them. LET GO! Let go Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Yakutia, Chukotka, Udmurtia, Tuva, Buryatia, Altai, Karelia, etc., etc. Let them all be free! First and foremost, let Ukraine go now!
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